Byron Cage


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From the first breath until the last one
And everything in between
The music to words on paper
Pen every song I sing
From Eden to ever lasting
You are the king of kings
And I will forever praise you
For You are my everything

You are a mighty God
You are a might God
You are a mighty God
Mighty, mighty you are

Now Ive never seen such power
And Ive never known such pain
The same day some said crucify you
While others cried out your name
But because you laid your life down
And you stayed three days in the grave
I said that I can stand and declare
That its by your blood Im saved

You are a mighty God (you are)
You are a mighty God (you are)
You are a mighty God (you are)
Mighty, mighty you are
You are an awesome God (you are)
You are the awesome God (you are)
You are a mighty God (you are)
Mighty, mighty you are

And today we are going to tell the world, that
There is not a greater one
The love gift of your own son
(We declare) All nations will agree
That youre the mighty one
For all to see

Youre the mighty one
Youre the mighty one
Youre the mighty one
Youre the mighty one
Youre the mighty one

Youre a mighty God
You are a mighty God
Youre a wonderful God
Youre a saving God

You are (2x)
Mighty, Mighty you are