Donald Lawrence


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Verse 1:
Oh Peter, Peter don't, don't be afraid.
Oh Peter, Peter don't, don't be afraid.
Oh Peter,
Peter don't, don't be
be afraid, afraid;
walk out on the water,
don't be afraid.

There comes a time in our lives
when we experience fright,
we can't help but be afraid.
Just keep your eye on the light,
shining there in the night,
He controls the winds and waves.

(and I know if He can control the angry sea,
I'm a witness, He can fix whatever's troubling me,)
Peter don't be afraid.

Verse 2:
I am Mary's baby, Peter don't, don't be afraid.
I am Mary's baby, Peter don't, don't be afraid.
I am Mary's baby,
Peter don't, don't be
be afraid, afraid;
walk out on the water,
don't be afraid.


Walk out, don't doubt,
Peter don't be afraid.

Autor(es): ,Tri-city Singers