Gaither Vocal Band


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Everyone knows there is pain in this life.
We've all seen our share of tears,
but I choose to live on the positve side and
I won't be held hostage by fear.

I'm a prisoner of hope,
bound by my faith, chained to your love,
locked up in Grace, I'm free to leave, but I'll never go,
I'm wonderfully, willingly, freely a prisoner of hope.

Some people doubt what they don't understand,
but I know what's true in my heart,
now I can't control what's out of my hands,
but I can lay back in your arms.

Repeat Chorus 2x

Bound by my faith,
chained to your love, locked up in Grace,
I'm free to leave, but I'll never go,
I'm wonderfully, willingly,
freely a prisoner of hope.

Autor(es): Benjamin Gaither Band / Jeff Silvey