Worth Dying For


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om os cumprimentos do Joao

Lord I say these words out loud and from my heart
I love you more than life itself, but that's not all
You're the savior of my life
You're the one that I lift high
You're the only one who can save this world today

Today will be the day I give it back to you
Today will be the start of a revolution

Lord I say these words out loud and from my heart
I love you more than life itself, but that's not all
You're the savior of my life
You're the one that I lift high
You're the only one who can save this world today

Today will be the day I give it back to you
Today will be the start of a revolution x2

We are the sound of a revolution
We wont back down till a revolution
We are the sound of a revolution
We wont back down till a revolution

You're the savior of my life
You're the one that I lift high
You're the only one who can save this world today

Today will be the day I give it back to you
Today will be the start of a revolution x2

We are the sound of a revolution
We wont back down till a revolution
We are the sound of a revolution
We wont back down till a revolution

Today today today today
Today today today today
Today today today today
Today today today of a revolution

Autor(es): Micah Berteau