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Song of Songs
King of Kings
You are the melody my heart sings
You are the words I build my life on
Jesus, You are my Song of Songs

I waited patiently for You
And You came to my rescue
You put a song in my heart
And that song is You
Yes it is

Song of Songs
King of Kings
You are the melody my heart sings
You are the words I build my life on
Jesus, You are my Song of Songs
Jesus, You are my Song of Songs

Your glory fills the earth and sky
Creation's calling out Your name
So let every creature great and small
Lift their voice and give You praise

Song of Songs
King of Kings
You are the melody my heart sings
You are the words I build my life on
Jesus, You are my Song of Songs
Jesus, You are my Song of Songs

Your name, Your fame endures forever
Your name, Your fame endures forever

Song of Songs
King of Kings
You are the melody that my heart sings
You are the words I build my life on
Jesus, You are my Song of Songs

Song of Songs
King of Kings
You are the melody that my heart sings

Autor(es): Eddie Carswell / Michael O'Brien