Glass Harp


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Where are you going
You're looking so sad
The pain you're showing
Is it really that bad

What can I say, what can I do
To help you through it all
I think I've been
That way before

It's hard looking forward
When you're stand… in your way
You try for the future
And live day to day

What can I say, what can I do
To help you through it all
I think I've been
That way before

What can I say, what can I do
To help you through it all
I think I've been
That way before

One step ahead
And you fall two behind
All you… got coming
Is the trouble you find

Life can change
In the blink of an eye
I think I've been
I think I've been
That way before

Where are you going
Where are you going

Autor(es): Dan Pecchio / Ted Pecchio