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Do you have reasons
To let it go?
I'll make my decisions
To love you more
You have your priorities
And have my prerogatives
So tell me who of us is right
If you let me I die with your goodbye

If you're gone
I don't know
What should I do?
It's all about you
But if you're stay
I will pray everyday
To thank God
Cause you'll take pain away
Take Pain Away

Do you remind me
Like the way I used to sleep
I know inside
There's more than one reason to be here
There's no rain
There's no game
There's no chance
There's nothing here
Oh without you I can't live


There's no rain
There's no game
There's no chance
There's no one place
There's no save
There's nothing to do
Without you


There's nothing to do
Without you.

Autor(es): Line T