Brooke Fraser


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Black light, cheeks sting up near the arctic
Brazen boys down in the enclave
Lip spitting, arms split, wind off the boil
Did I shake fire from my homeland?

I am ice when I'm not near him
Time is frozen till we meet
When my lover is, endless summer lives
So I'm heading for the heat

Enter, deeper, running through my veins
Born in the ice, but I'll die in the flame
Could be fatal, but here I go

You don't know till you wanna know
You don't know till you pass the equator the equator

Burnin, burnin, flushed with fever
Breathless, beating, when he's near
He is practically, (the cannikin?)
Mercury's stratosphere

Enter, deeper, running through my veins
Born in the ice, but I'll die in the flame
Could be fatal, but here I go

You don't know till you wanna know
You don't know till you pass the equator the equator

Enter, deeper, running through my veins
Born in the ice, but I'll die in the flame
Could be fatal, but here I go

You don't know till you wanna know
You don't know till you pass the equator the equator