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What a savior, what a love divine
How we need you with us all the time
How could we forget you; we will not forget

You are the reason the lost will be found again
You are the reason the last will be first and when
We see your glory, jesus, we’ll see the reason

Love is your voice, and you give us a song to sing
Love is the cross where you gave everything
If the world has a hope to believe in
You are the reason

Not in what we do, but in what you’ve done
Not in our strength but yours, you rescued us
We’re your children, and you are the father who loves
How we need you and lord, you are more than enough

We will bow down; we will look up
We will rejoice because of your goodness
We will sing loud, we will cry out
Let all the earth resound and tell of your glory

Autor(es): Eddie Carswell / Russ Lee / Sarah Hart