Shane and Shane


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I will run when I cannot walk.
I will sing when there is no song.
I will pray when there is no prayer.
I will listen when I cannot hear..

Sitting in the waiting room of silence,
Waiting for that still-soft voice I know.
Offering my words up to the rooftop to your heart,
Trusting that this closet's where you are..

Lord I know if I change my mind,
You will change my heart in time.
Sovereign Lord, this time's for you
So I sit in the waiting room of silence..
Because it's all about you.

I will fight when I cannot fear.
I will trust when things don't seem clear.
I will tell when I cannot speak.
I will step when I cannot see.

Sitting the waiting room of silence,
Waiting for that still-soft voice I know.
Offering my words up to the rooftop to you heart,
Trusting that this closet's where you are.

Lord I know if I change my mind,
You will change my heart in time.
Sovereign Lord, this time's for you
So I sit in the waiting room of silence.

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