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I'm more I'm more than the money I spend
I'm more I'm more than what I do with my friends
Oh yeah oh yeah
I'm more I'm more than the way my night ends
No wake up sound alarm no crashing my bends
Cause I'm more I'm more than the money I spend

I know that the radio keeps telling me
Throw my life away its so heavenly
You say I'm confused cause
Thats not what it means
Yeah its' more like spend your money
Drink away your dreams
I see so clearly now!

You just wanna be... Happy
Searching for love
I see so clearly now!
You just wanna be... Happy
Searching for love

I hope you find him
Find him
Find him
The truth
When he finds you
I hope you find him

Find him
Find him
The thruth
When he finds you
I hope you do
I hope you do

I'm more I'm more than some ice on my wrist
Cha ching cha ching cha ching
I'm more I'm more than the party I missed.
Like so what so what
I'm more I'm more than the way my night ends
No strangers in my bed
No making no sense
I'm more I'm more than the money I spend

And I know that the radio keeps telling you
Throw you life away like you dont got a clue
You think I'm confused for telling you the truth
But everything you see them do wanna do?

I see so clearly now
You just wanna be happy
Searching for love
I see so clearly now
You just wanna be happy
Searching for love

I hope you find him
Find him
Find him
The thruth
When he finds you

I hope you find him
Find him
Find him
The thruth when he finds you
I hope you do
I hope you do
I hope you do
I hope you do

I hope you do
I hope you do
I hope you do!!!
I hope you do
I hope you do
I hope you do!!!!