Jason Upton


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Kids they say the darnedest things They can make you laugh
They can make you scream They make me want to be a better man.

Johnny, he done lost his toy He gave it to another boy
And I asked him, "Johnny why did you do that?"

He said, "That kid he asked me if he could use it?" I said, "Yeah, you can. If you don't lose it!"
So, he took my toy and I never saw it again.

Well I hope that you have lots of luck 'Cause that was my favorite toy That was my toy truck
I should have told you "no", but I told you "yes".

Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes

Well I've never been the givin' kind But the more I watch this child of mine
The more that I begin to understand. That it's easier to just say "no"
But it ain't no fun to play alone And the more I say "I can't", the less I can.

Johnny he turned seventeen And he found the truck of every young man's dream
I should have told him "no" but I told him "yes".