Tercer Cielo


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Hi welcome to my Myspace!


I'm happy that I met you in my Myspace
Now I can not wait to read your comments every day
Never thought I could feel the love this space and thus

I'm glad I met you on myspace
thanks for that add me
I'm so happy to have you as my friend
I know you hit my mind
and makes me smile again

I remember that day
fist time I saw your face
MySpace site that called
and sent a friend request to greet the darling

I thought it was just one of those guys
who likes to play with my heart
but as time has passed
I realized that you were one of the class

you have become someone special

chorus x2

Oh girl I
Eh I do not care even that kind of thing
but now I can spend all day
serving on that beautiful
I like it when you do an update

I thought it was just one of those guys
who likes to play with my heart
but as time has passed
I realized that you were one of the class

Autor(es): Hollywood (Pistas Instrumentales) (Ep) | Hollywood |