Donnie McClurkin


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Lord send your anointing here
Let it fill our hearts, oh
We invite your presence now.

Let fear and doubt depart from here
Send peace, send grace with in this place.

We know it's not by power or strength
But by your presence (lord send your presence)
And every battle you will win
Lord if you near us
Please wouldn't you hear us


Sing it one more time


Let fear and doubt depart from here
Send peace, send grace with in this place.

Let fear and doubt depart from here
Send peace, send grace with in this place.

Let fear and doubt depart from here
Send peace, send grace with in this place.

Let fear and doubt depart from here
Send peace, send grace with in this place.

He's already here
Whip away every tear
Put a smile on your face, he all in this place.

He's already here
Whip away every tear
Put a smile on your face, he all in this place.

He's already here
Whip away every tear
Put a smile on your face, he all in this place.

He's already here
Whip away every tear
Put a smile on your face, he all in this place.

Let fear and doubt depart from here
Send peace, send grace with in this place.


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Donnie McClurkin en Octubre