Shirley Caesar


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(Then we'll go) sweepin' through the city,
(Where my) captain has gone before
(And we're gonna) sit down by the banks of the river;
I won't be back,
I won't be back,
I won't be back no more, no more.

Blessed are the pure in heart for they'll go,
(Sweepin' through the city).
Blessed are the poor in spirit for they'll go,
(Sweepin' through the city).
Blessed are they that mourn for they'll go,
(Sweepin' through the city).
Blessed are the children of Israel for they'll go,
(Sweepin' through the city).

(Then we'll go) sweepin' through the city,
(Where my) captain has gone before
(And we're gonna) sit down by the banks of the river;
I won't be back,
I won't be back,
I won't be back no more, no more.

In that city

(Then we'll go) sweepin' through the city,
(Where my) captain has gone before
(And we're gonna) sit down by the banks of the river;
I won't be back,
I won't be back,
I won't be back no more, no more.


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