Jason Gray


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I know that fear is a liar
A thief breaking into my heart
He tries to steal all my fire
And shut me down before I even start, yeah

I know I can take it everyday
If there's a way you will make it
I won't be afraid
'Cause I'll be like

Hey yeah
Whatever comes my way
I'm not turning back
Hey yeah
I know your love won't leave
So I won't worry 'cause
If I fall I win every time I get up again
Hey yeah
'Cause I can't lose, if I keep learning
I'm learning, learning (yeah)
I'm learning, learning

Let them shout from the bleachers
Every time I don't get it right (ooh yeah)
I know my failure is my teacher
And I'm still here in the fight (yeah)

I know I can take it everyday
If there's a way you will make it
I won't be afraid
'Cause I'll be like

Hey yeah
Whatever comes my way
I'm not turning back
Hey yeah
I know your love won't leave
So I won't worry 'cause
If I fall I win every time I get up again
Hey yeah
'Cause I can't lose, if I keep learning
I'm learning, learning (yeah)
I'm learning, learning

I know I can take it everyday
If there's a way you will make it
I won't be afraid
I know I can take it everyday
If there's a way you will make it
I won't be afraid

Hey yeah
Whatever comes my way
I'm not turning back
Hey yeah
I know your love won't leave
So I won't worry 'cause
If I fall I win every time I get up again
Hey yeah
'Cause I can't lose, if I keep learning
I'm learning, learning (yeah)
I'm learning, learning (learning)

I know I can take it everyday
If there's a way you will make it
I won't be afraid (I'm always learning, yeah)