Tamela Mann


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Hold on don’t give up
Don’t you worry, you don’t have to cry
God sees, He sees what you’re going through oh yes he does
God is willing, and he’s able
This didn't catch Him by surprise, so if you would trust Him
And just step, step aside

Oh yeah and be still, don’t question it
For these obstacles they were allowed
Yes He wants to take you
Take you higher, higher if you hold on
God is willing, and He's able
This didn't catch Him by surprise
So if we would trust Him
And step, step, step aside

He is faithful.
My God is faithful to do what He said He would do
And if He said it I believe it, there is nothing He can’t do

If you stand on His Word (stand on His Word)
Cast your cares on Him (leave it to him)
For He knows and He loves you
He did it for me and I thank Him (I thank You)

If you would step (step)
Step aside (oh step aside)
Get out of his way (yeah)
My God will fix it for ya (I step aside)
Lean on him (yeah)
Cast your cares on Him (oh I step aside)
Lean on to you and understand it
My God we'll work it out

Step (step)
Step aside (oh I step aside)
My God (step)
He'll do it yeah
Hold on (step)
He's so faithful (oh I step aside)
He'll never leave ya, He won't ?
You're not in this thing alone

Step (step)
Step (oh I step aside)
Lean on to him
He comes
He comes for you (oh I step aside)

No no get out of your way
I know you're able
If you're sad

Step aside
step aside
He'll do it, yes He will
Get out of His way

Autor(es): Morris, Wirlie / Scott, Barethea / Magwood, Herbert / Morris, Valecia / Garrett, Ronnie