Phil Wickham


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Take these hands
I know they're empty
But with You they can
Be used for beauty
In Your perfect land
All I am is Yours

Take these feet
I know they stumble
But You use the weak
You use the humble
So, please use me
All I am is Yours

I give You all my life
I'm letting it go
I live in sacrifice
No longer my own
All I am is Yours
All I am is Yours

Take this heart
Set it on fire
Shine it in the dark
I wanna tell the world
Of who You are
All I am is Yours

I give You all my life
I'm letting it go
I live in sacrifice

No longer my own
All I am is Yours
All I am is Yours

I give You everything
To You I belong
Every beat of my heart
The breath in my lungs
All I am is Yours
All I am is Yours

I lift my hands up
God I surrender
All that I am
For Your glory, your honor, your faith
I lift my hands up
God I surrender to You

I give You all my life
I'm letting it go
I live in sacrifice
No longer my own
All I am is Yours
All I am is Yours

I give You everything
To You I belong
Every beat of my heart
The breath in my lungs
All I am is Yours
All I am is Yours