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I caught you waking up the sky
And I could not believe my eyes
The brightest blue that I had ever seen
Was looking back at me

It happens everywhere I go
I find something that lets me know
Lord you're always up to something new
I'm still surprised by you
I'm ready to be amazed

Here we go, here we go
It's a brand new day
And I sing cause I know
That you'll lead my way
Life is good in a world
Where your wonder never ends
So here we go again

So what's it gonna be today
What you gonna bring my way
You know I wonder
What my heart will see
I'm on the edge of my seat
And I'm ready to be amazed


Here we go again
Here we go again
Yeah, yeah

I don't ever wanna close my eyes
Cause I don't wanna let my life pass me by
With so little time
And so much to do
And I wanna spend every second with you

So what's it gonna be today
What you gonna bring my way
You know I wonder
What my heart will see
I'm on the edge of my seat
Now I'm ready to be amazed

[Chorus: x2]

Here we go again [Repeat x4]