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If you're feeling a little bit confused
Don't quiet know which way to choose
Well it's alright stop trying so hard
Take a minute and look around and the answer
Will be found when you lift your brother off the ground
You will see that all of your burdens
Fade away it will be as clear as day

One word one word love everything you need
All you need to know the only true light all around the world
Is love love one word one word
Love only where you are any
Where you go give more back every time you should know love

If you feel like your always chasing time
You have no reason have no rhyme
It's alright stop trying so hard if you really want to solve a mystery
See you're really meant to be a brother
To a brother in need every every every day all of your burdens
Fade away if will be as clear as day

One word one word love everything you need
All you need to know the only true light all around the world
Is love love one word one word
Love only where you are any
Where you go give more back every time you should know love

You'll see the sky start to change all the clouds roll away
Finally stop all the rain in a blink of an eye the space
Between you and I won't be so wide one word around the world

One word one word love everything you need
All you need to know the only true light all around the world
Is love love one word one word
Love only where you are any
Where you go give more back every time you should know love

[Repeat: x9]
One word around the world