Matthew West


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I don't know what I would do without you
But I don't want to think about that now
I can't imagine how I lived without you
But I don't have to think about that now

'Cause you're here
And I'm right here with you
And the world as I see it
Is suddenly changing
(suddenly changing)

I don't want to let this moment fade away
I want to soak up every single second
In your presence
I just want to fall in love along the way

I want to soak up every single second
In your presence
I don't like the way I was before you
But I don't want to think about that now

Here I lay my yesterday before you
And I don't have to think about that now
'Cause you're here
And I'm right here with you

And the world as I see it
Is suddenly changing
I don't want to let this moment fade away
I want to soak up every single second

In your presence
I just want to fall in love along the way
I want to soak up every single second
In your presence

Now every second matters
Now every counts
And every day is one more day Lord I can't live without
Without you

I just want to fall in love along the way
I want to soak up every single second
In your presence
I don't want to let this moment fade away

I want to soak up every single second
In your presence
I just want to fall in love along the way
I want to soak up every single second

In your presence

Now every second matters
Now every second matters
Now every second matters
Now every second counts

I just want to stay
Where you are
And I just want to live
Where you are

And I don't want to leave
Where you are