Ruben Studdard


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How would you like it if I talked about your skin
The way you wear your hair (oh, girl)?
Would you like if I talked about your butt
Or once a month
Turned into someone that was hard to love?

How would you like it if I didn't like your smoke
Didn't like your polish you be wearin' on your toes
If I didn't like your neck-a-lace
Or what you cooked for breakfast?
Would I be wrong?
Would I be wrong?

Why you wanna change me
Flip all the things that really make me?
The way that I am
Used to make you happy
Baby, why you wanna change me?
You used to like your big old teddy bear
You used to let me get it anywhere
Now, baby
It's crazy
Why, why
Why you wanna change me?

Now, what if all I did was pick apart your friends 'cause they ain't got no ends? (Oh, girl)
What if I talked about your face in the morning?
'Cause we know that you ain't cute in the morning
What If I criticized the way that you be eating
And when you sleepin' you be doin' that heavy breathing?
What if I was at you 'bout your house keeping?
Would I be wrong?
Would I be wrong?


We used to love breakin' up, knowing we'd be together again
And we used to love the arguments 'cause we makin' love by the end, girl
How you gonna change everything in turn
'Cause I don't wanna go, if it ain't gonna be the same
If it ain't broke, then why you wanna change...


Tell me why you wanna change me
Why, why
Why you wanna change me?
Why you wanna change me?
Why, baby, tell me why
Baby, tell me
Why you wanna change me?
Why you wanna change me?
Why, baby, tell me why
Girl, baby, tell me why
Why you wanna change me?
Why you wanna change me?
Why, baby, tell me why
Girl, why
Baby, tell me why