Ben Rector


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Some stupid pictures, some vacation, someone I don't know
And ten expert opinions on some strangers post
And then I know, much to my surprise
From a face I haven't seen in a long, long time

To say you're fine over a couple pages
Between the lines, you were really sayin'

I just wonder what it would have been like
If you were with me
Don't worry your mind
I'm not cryin' at night
I just think o' you sometimes
Sometimes, yeah

He's walkin' his dog out on Venice Beach
Said he came to Los Angeles to chase some dream
In ninety-five, he said, "I left my girls behind
And the time for second chances, it's been gone for a long time"

I called her phone, and I rambled on again, but
After the tone, what I really meant was

I just wonder what it would have been like
If you were with me
Don't worry your mind
I'm not cryin' at night
I just think o' you sometimes

We say goodbye, as if we're goin' places
And you can try, but you can't keep your heart from sayin'

I just wonder what it would have been like
If you were with me
Don't worry your mind
I'm not cryin' at night
I just think o' you
I still think o' you
I just think o' you sometimes

Autor(es): Dan Wilson, Ben Rector