The Afters


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Tonight, I'm having the time
I'm having the time of my life, my life

Above the diamonds in the sky
Below my feet is gold and I'm
Never gonna leave, never gonna leave this place
Never wanna leave this place

Like a scene from a different life
Like a dream that we'll never die
Never wanna leave, never wanna leave this place
Never gonna leave this place

Tonight, I'm having the time
I'm having the time of my life, my life
Tonight, I'm having the time
I'm having the time of my life, my life

Come alive in this atmosphere
You can be who you are in here
We're never gonna leave, never gonna leave this place
Never wanna leave this place

We don't ever have to leave this town
We don't ever come back down
We never wanna leave, never wanna leave this place
Never gonna leave this place

Tonight, I'm having the time
I'm having the time of my life, my life
Tonight, I'm having the time
I'm having the time of my life, my life

Better be ready when the sun comes down
When the sun comes down, when the sun comes down
Better be ready when the stars come out
When the stars come out, when the stars come out

Better be ready when the sun comes down
When the sun comes down, when the sun comes down
Better be ready when the stars come out
When the stars come down

Tonight, I'm having the time
I'm having the time of my life, my life
Tonight, I'm having the time
I'm having the time of my life, my life


Better be ready when the sun comes down
When the sun comes down, when the sun comes down
Better be ready when the stars come out
When the stars come out, when the stars come out

Better be ready when the sun comes down
When the sun comes down, when the sun comes down
Better be ready when the stars come out
I'm having the time of my life