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Over all the chaos
Over every burden
This I know
You have never let me go

You made me in the desert
You speak into the silence
God, I know
You're the hope that leads me home

This I know
At the whisper of Your name
There is peace I can't explain
I am fearless, I am safe
Here with You, here with you

The shelter of Your presence
Where I find the solace
Where I know
I am hidden in a secret place

You're sovereign in the struggle
You're with me through the trials
Still I know
You're the anchor for my soul

This I know
At the whisper of Your name
There is peace I can't explain
I am fearless, I am safe
Here with You, here with you

Every promise that You speak
Every word is life to me
I am breathless, I'm in awe
Here with You, here with You

I wait until the stars come out
After all the storms have passed
I hope above the skies
Hope in Your everlasting Word
I wait until the stars come out
After all the storms have passed
I hope above the skies
Hope in Your everlastin' Word, yeah

This I know
At the whisper of Your name
There is peace I can't explain
I am fearless, I am safe
Here with You, here with you
At the whisper of Your name
There is peace I can't explain
I am fearless, I am safe
Here with You, here with you

Every promise that You speak
Every word is life to me
I am breathless, I'm in awe
Here with You, here with You

At the whisper of Your name
There is peace I can't explain