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She held my heart alive and red. I took the risk, and in her hands it bled.
Forsaking all warnings, it was hers to keep. But right then, it seems, is when she turned to leave.

So I pulled my heart out as it tried to break...

It was over before it started. Why must it always take so long to
find it out before departing? You better get out before it is too late.
And now, as the curtain closes, and our history decomposes,
I mourn the fate that left no choice: I cannot get out. And now it is too late.

Don't open it up/ Leave it unguarded - This is what it takes to be a "strong" man.
Don't go all out or put it all in - This is what it takes to be a "strong" man.
Check your feelings/ Tame your passion - What does it take to be a strong man?
Don't lose your will to resist - OH GOD I HATE BEING A STRONG MAN NOW...

It was over before it started. Why must it always take so long to
find it out before departing? You better get out before it is too late.
And now, as the curtain closes, and our history decomposes,
I mourn the fate that left no choice: I cannot get out.

The time of "us" has long been killed, but your presence in my heart haunts me still.
In dark chambers I've shut off your steps still ring out.
But in secret, there listening, I'm found.
The heart breaks, but it doesn't make a sound, when no one's around.
I saw chances for my dreams to come true, but never with you...

Now we say "So long."

It was over before it started. Why must it always take so long to
find it out before departing? Time will mend this broken heart.

Now we say "So long..."