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Whispering in his ear my magic potion for love
Telling him I'm sincere
And that there's nothing too good for us

And I've just got to be free, free, free

Whispering in his ear my magic potion for love
Telling him I'm sincere
And that there's nothing too good for us

But I want to be free, free, free
And I just got to be me, yeah, free, free

Teasing hands on his mind
Give our night such mystery
Happiness all the time
Oh and how that night pleases me

But I want to be free
But I just got to be me, me

Feeling you close to me
Makes all my senses smile
Lets not waste ecstasy
'Cause I'll only be here for a while

I just got to be free, free, free
And I just got to be me, yeah, yeah, yeah
Free, free, oh
Free, free, free, oh baby, oh
And I just want to, I just want to be me

Autor(es): Susaye Greene, Nathan Watts, Henry James Redd, Deniece Williams