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Oh restless heart, do not grow weary
Hold on to faith and wait
The God of love, He will not tarry
He is never late

So I wait in the promise
I wait in hope
Yes, I wait in the power
Of God's unending love

So I wait in the promise
I wait in hope
Yes, I wait in the power
Of God's unending love

Be still and rest secure, my soul
He knows what's best for me
Here in my patience lies the goal
To wait and trust in Thee

So I wait in the promise
I wait in hope
Yes, I wait in the power
Of God's unending love

Even through my imperfections
His light is shining through
Though dim I am still a reflection
Of mercy and The truth

So I wait in the promise
I wait in hope
Yes, I wait in the power
Of God's unending love

So I wait in the promise
Oh, I wait in hope
Yes, I wait in the power
Of God's unending love
Of God's unending love
Of God's unending love


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