Big Tent Revival


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I am a man
Who hides his feeling
but I don't think I can
keep from revealing

all the things inside of me
Are all out of control
so Lord I'm letting go of

I'm letting go, Lord I'm letting go
I'm letting go, Lord I'm letting go

There was a time
things didn't matter
Reason and rhyme
were second nature

It was all a big ---FACADE--- (pronounced fah-sad)
I have come to know
so Lord, I'm letting go

I'm letting go, Lord I'm letting go
I'm letting go, Lord I'm letting go

I am calling
Are you hearing
I am falling
Come and catch me

From now on, I put my trust
In you and you alone
And Lord I'm letting go

I'm letting go, Lord I'm letting go
I'm letting go, Lord I'm letting go (repeat)