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Nothing will be the same
All of my life has changed
Just for a moment, heaven was opened I saw You

How will I spend my days?
Now that You've held my gaze
All that surrounds me I'd loose now You've found me I'd loose it

For my eyes have seen Your glory
For my ears have heard Your name
I have placed my hand in Your hand
I will never be the same

My tower, my strength, my song
You are my salvation
Is there no end to Your mercy my friend, You amaze me

So I never will return
And it's only for You I burn
Nothing behind me can now undermine me, I'm all Yours

For my eyes have seen Your glory
For my ears have heard Your name
I have placed my hand in Your hand
I will never be the same

I have placed my hand in Your hand and I will never be the same
For my eyes have seen Your glory
For my ears have heard Your name

I have placed my hand in Your hand and I will never be
The same

Yeah, yeah, I will never be the same yeah
Yeah, yeah, I will never be the same no no no no
I will never be never be never ever be no