Kelly Price


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Living wasn't easy
'Cause we didn't have much money
But I knew I would make it someday
They told me I was nothing
That I'd never be something
But I knew I would make it someday

This is my story, I was a girl who
Came from nothing & life in my surroundings
Was bad. but deep inside me
I would pray for god to guide me
'Cause I knew he'd give me strength for life
And all it's problems back then.

Hand me down clothing
Empty shelves inside the cupboard
And mama kept three jobs to make do
I'd hear her cryin'
But she never stopped between
Three girls, light bill and the rent ya'll
Livin' wasn't easy back then

Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
By faith I believed one day I'd
Sing and things would get better
So don't give up no matter what it seems

Livin' wasn't easy
'Cause we didn't have much money
But I knew I would make it someday
No matter what it's seeming
You gotta keep on dreamin'
And you know that you can make it someday