Christine Evans


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Follow me
I need you I plead you to come through
Take the lead You know that I'm right behind you
I loved you and what do I get back?
Still not the feeling you get when there's someone for you

Take me home
Take me home
I'm alone here no fear
Safe by the lone
It's a cold world a lone world
It's hard for a girl

I wish you'd open up your eyes
See my pain through all the lies
In this room I wish I'd die
Though my tears I do not cry
Take me home

Is this the end
You messed up had bad luck and take it out on me
You reprimand me, my choices, the voices, the way I live my life
I pray to the angels stand by me, beside me
Protect me from pain and the darkness around

Take me home
Take me home
I'm alone here no fear
Safe by the lone
It's a cold world a lone world
It's hard for a girl
I wish you'd open up your eyes
see my pain through all the lies
In this room I wish I'd die
Though my tears I can not cry
Take me home

Take me home
Take me home
Take me home

Autor(es): BILLY JOEL