Altar Boyz


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John 2 : Mother Mary got invited
To a wedding everybody's drinking, excited
When all of a sudden, the wine gave out
Mary on the Q.T gave J.C. a shout

Jesus said, "Woman, what do I have to do with you?"
(He was only there to party with His 12-member crew)
But Mary was His momma
So he said, "Fill up those pots with water!"
And they did, thinking it was worth a shot

Jesus said, "Take some out and give it to the waiter."
He drank and said, "Why'd you save the food stuff for later?"
The wedding was a hit and everything turned out fine
But how'd He make the water turn into wine?

Christ, how'd You do that?
How'd You make it happen?
Christ, how'd You do that?
How'd You make it go down?

Mark 1: Galilee was where He was
Casting out demons and preaching, like He does
When a Ieper showed up and begged the Big Man:
"Make me clean, of You're willing, You can!"

J.C. (feeling sorry "˜cause He knew that Ieprosy is
A whack disease that makes a homey go to pieces)
Reached out His hand and touched him (ew!)
"I am willing. Be cleansed!" He said and it worked too!

The man was alright "˜cause he came to My Boy
(Not since Second Kings had anybody heard this noise)
And all he had to do was give that guy one little touch
So amazing, I wanna know so much

Christ, how'd You do that?
How'd You make it happen?
I just gotta ask Jesus Christ
How'd You do that?

Matt 14: His posse's in the water
Rowin' all night while Jesus prayed to His Father
They were hella-far from shore and the sea was wicked-rough
When they saw a ghost just walking on the water – scary stuff!

They all cried out in fear, thinking things were pretty bleak
Floating on the ocean, but up a creek!
"It is I!" Jesus said. "Don't be afraid!" But they had doubts
So Jesus said to Peter, "Stand up and get out
Of the boat and come to Me!"

And Pete was walking like a pro, but the wind kicked up
And he was sinking like a stone
So back into the boat Pete and Jesus hopped
But when they sat down, the wind just stopped

Seein' is believin' (x4)

He coulda laid low in a carpenter's shop
Just hammering away with His surrogate pop
But He took it to the streets and kept it real
A lot of folks saying, "This Guy's the real deal!"

They asked for His help and He didn't avoid "˜em
Rolled up His sleeves and Siegfried and Roy'd "˜em
No hat, no wand, no "˜abra-cadabra'
Pretty fly stuff to this lowly rapper

But some dudes say, "That was a long time ago!
When's the last time He did a magic show?"
Well if your eyes ain't shut and your heart ain't iced
You might find yourself saying Jesus

Christ, how'd You do that?
How'd You make it happen?
Christ, how'd You do that?
How'd You make it go down?

Christ, how'd You do that?
How'd You make it happen?
Christ, how'd You do that?
Jesus! Jesus! Jesus! Jesus! Jesus!
Christ !
Jesus Christ !!