Press Play


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So many people need a change
So hurt by yesterday
Needing someone to say I love you
'Cause I know in sunshine and rain

Through heartache and pain
There's always a new tomorrow
Oh oh here you go three little words
Is all it takes gotta make them heard

Raise your voice and say I love you
Oh oh here you go one simple phrase
Is all it takes to make a change today
Raise your voice and say I love you

Our hearts are one in the same
One voice and one name
Let's end all the separation
And when the dark clouds ascend

We know it's not the end
There's always a new tomorrow
Oh oh here you go three little words
Is all it takes gotta make them heard

Raise your voice and say I love you
Oh oh here you go one simple phrase
Is all it takes to make a change today
Raise your voice and say I love you

Love love love
Love love love love love love
Love love love love love love
Love love love love love
Love love love love

Oh oh here you go three little words
Is all it takes gotta make them heard
Raise your voice and say I love you
Oh oh here you go one simple phrase

Is all it takes to make a change today
Raise your voice and say I love you