Betraying The Martyrs


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For you, father, eternal
In your absence, your silence, is raging in my ears
And your silence fills me up, fills my existence
For how I long to have you here
Nothing more, nothing less, existence
And you absence tars me up, I just need to feel you
Come back, show me, which path to turn to

Please, come back

Is that you talking through the water (I just need to feel you)
A burning message through the fire (lighting up this path I walk)
I'll search for you (forever) call out for you (and ever)
To find you walking by my side, hand in hand

Show me the way
Send me a sign
Send me anything

I need to see you hear your voice again
I need to know that you hear me, that you're here somewhere
Send me a sign, send me anything
Show me the way, light my path, help me get back home

Show me the way

My spirit shatters, I hear your voice in my head
When nothing matters, you bring me faith again

I hear you talking through the water
I see a message in the fire

And I'll search for you (forever) call out for you (and ever)
And find you walking by my side, hand in hand

As I child; I lost my way, but now I realize I needed you

All the answers I seek, hidden inside of me

I am you,
I am what's left of you

Autor(es): Aaron Matts, Victor Guillet, Baptiste Vigier, Lucas D'angelo, Valentin Hauser, Mark Mironov

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