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I recall the day
Jesus called you home,
And He set you free from all the hurt and pain.
Now you live with Him
In joy that never ends,
And one day I know I'll join you there
And see you once again.

Though for now you're gone,
It is just a little while,
Till the Lord gathers all up above.
As I think of you now,
There is comfort and a smile;
You're at peace in His love.

When you left that day,
We had to wonder why --
Still so many things we do not understand.
But we trust in God
Who makes our lives complete
And by faith we carry onward,
For our lives are in His hand.

Though for now you're gone,
It is just a little while,
Till the Lord gathers all up above.
As I think of you now,
There is comfort and a smile;
You're at peace in His love.

With the angels you sing
In your new-found home,
To the One who will dry every tear.
One day we will join
The chorus up above.
We shall all be reunited,
And the night shall disappear!

Though for now you're gone,
It is just a little while,
Till the Lord gathers all up above.
As I think of you now,
There is comfort and a smile;
You're at peace in His love.

You're at peace in His love.

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Opwekking en Enero