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I live on 5678 Get Down Street
I've got the music to move your feet
People come knocking from miles around
Just to get a sample of the beat
The sign on the lawn says: God Is Love
And the Spirit lives in my song
So if you came to move and you've got nothing to prove
Well I hope you'll help me sing along

Na na na na na na na na na na

Are you ready, are you ready to clap your hands
With all the people that you meet?
Give it up, give it up for the King of kings
It's a party on Get Down Street
The block is rocking, it's the talk of the town
Now everybody wants to go
5, 10, 20, now there's 99
And my Redeemer is the star of the show

Na na na na na na na na na na
Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
Di di di di di di di di di di
Na na na na na na na na na na

Autor(es): Joel Parisien / Mark Rogers / Rich Moore