Donnie McClurkin


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If there were no gates of pearl
If there were no streets of gold
If there was no other world
And a land where we won't grow old

I'm not thinking about those sites
Won't be there to enjoy the view
I think heaven will be alright
As long as Your there, as long as there is You

If I never hear an angel sing
In a far off holy land
If I never hear a joy bell ring
Sing a chorus in a Christian band

I'm not thinking about those sites
Won't be there to enjoy the view
I think heaven will be alright
As long as Your there, as long as there is You

I'm not thinking about the sites
Won't be there to enjoy the view
I think heaven will be alright
As long as Your there, as long as there is You

When we all get to heaven
What a day of rejoicing that will be
When we all see Jesus
We will sing and shout the victory

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Donnie McClurkin en Octubre