John Mark McMillan


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Hey girl, let's go down
Wash our hands
In the carolina tide
Let's go down and die
And come back like babies

Hey girl, let's go down
Wash our sins
In the muddy brown wave
Wash the world away
And come back again

All these scarlet stains
Like the blood red clay
On the knees of our jeans
You can come out righteous
If you want babe
You can come out clean

Hey girl drive all night
Down to the water
And live like we're alive
Let our sleeping die
And roll out of these graves

Hey girl, the water don't know
The shore don't care
Who you were before
We're not them anymore
You know we're not the same.

All these scarlet stains
Like the blood red clay
On the knees of our jeans
You can come out righteous
If you want babe
You can come out clean

Hey girl, let's go down
Wash our hands
In the carolina tide
Let's go down and die
And come back like babies

Hey girl, let's go down
Wash our sins
In the muddy brown wave
Wash the world away
And come back again

Autor(es): John Mark McMillan