Desperation Band


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I was far away
But You found me
And You made me want to stay
I was falling down
But You lifted me
And turned my life around

Now I'll follow recklessly
And I'll love You
With all that is in me

I am comming back
Cause You are comming after me
And I surrender now

When I lost myself
I came alive and You came into me
When I let it go
I realized You are all I need

Now I'll follow recklessly
And I'll love You with all that is in me

I am comming back
Cause You are comming after me
And I surrender now

(Come on, Come On)

Now I'll follow recklessly
Yeah, I'll follow recklessly
Now I'll follow recklessly
And I'll love you with all that is in me

I am comming back
Cause You are comming after me
And I surrender now
(Yeah, Yeah)

I am comming back
Cause You are comming after me
And I surrender now
Yeah, I surrender now
Yeah, I surrender now

Surrender Now [x3]

Autor(es): Desperation Band