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Here, now, this is the moment
Speak now, I'm out in the open
With emptied hands I reach again

These walls are finally falling
The space between us is closing
My heart gives way to perfect grace

I'm drawing closer than ever before
You've patiently waited and now I am sure
Jesus, I lay my defenses down
'Cause I just want You now

My fears concede to Your sureness
My shame melts away in Your brilliance
And now I see, You're all I need

I'm drawing closer than ever before
You've patiently waited and now I am sure
Jesus, I lay my defenses down
'Cause I just want You now

Always faithful, You welcome me home
And my heart will Praise You
My God, my reward
Jesus, I lay my defenses down
'Cause I just want You now
'Cause I just want You now
'Cause I just want You

You meet me face to face
You wrap me in Your embrace
When You look me in the eye
I know
You just want me now
You just want me now

So I give You the highest praise
And I'll worship for all my days
When I look You in the eye
I know
I just want You now
I just want You now

You meet me face to face
You wrap me in Your embrace
When You look me in the eye
I know
You just want me now
You just want me now

So I give You the highest praise
And I'll worship for all my days
When I look You in the eye
I know

I just want You now
I just want You now
I just want You now
I just want You now

You just want me now
You just want me now

Autor(es): Mitch Wong / Steph Ling