Kelly Price


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Feels so good
Feels so good
Feels so good
Feels so good

Now after all the years of drama
All the time must wonder I couldn't see
If he love me love me not had me always questioning
I'm in the heart in my belief no insecurities
Put the smile back on my lips the swing back in my hips
And it feels so good

Feels so good
Feels so good
Feels so good
Feels so good

I never knew it could be this way

Hey I'm going to finally do it my way
Finally know it's ok to take care of me
You can love me or love me not that don't really bother me
'Cause now I'm trading in my fears and insecurities
Gonna let my self forgive and free myself to live
And it feels so good

Feels so good
Feels so good
Feels so good
Feels so good

And I never knew that it could be this way

And I never thought that I could believe that this is real
And I never thought that I could ever feel the way I feel
No I never thought that I would out live the lonely years
But now I'm smiling you see the light in me
And it feels so good

Feels so good
Feels so good
Feels so good
Feels so good

I never knew it could be this way

Feels so good
Feels so good
Feels so good
Feels so good

So I keep smiling, keep shining
baby it feels so good
So I never knew it could be this way.

Autor(es): K. Price / W. Campbell