Vanessa Bell Armstrong


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Some people doubt the Lord
They don't believe in His word
They'll try to make you think
That my God, my God; that He is dead
That He is dead!
Oh, [repeat]

Then tell me who
Who can make the sun shine so bright?
Tell me who
Who can turn all my of my days, all of my days into ni-ni-nights
My, God is real
Oh, He's really real
He's real
Oh, oh, He's real
I know that He's real
He's real
Oh, oh, oh, yeah

He's real
Yes, I know that He's

Ad lib . . .
He's real
I know that he's real
I can feel Him
Way over into . . .
Moving all over the world . . .
(fade out)

Autor(es): Vanessa Bell Armstrong

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