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Hole in me

this hole in me
is just about the size of you
i think it's time i tell you that
i'm okay with your love
if you're okay with my world in between
but the trouble in my mind is

there's a hole in me
and the rest of me's got nothin' but time
but when you get a hold of me
the best of me is yours and not mine

it's a little stormy
for me to come and find you enemy of love
but i think about it every day
i need answers to my questions
not to mension my intensions are good
but the trouble in my mind is

- repete o refrão-

every now and then i gotta double back
gotta fing the right rythm and the right
track goin' my way
but most time it don't
there's no angel on myshoulder
and this summer's gettin colder every day
but the trouble in my mind is

- repete o refrão-

and i don't know why
i do what i do when i do
what i do when i do that