Seventh Day Slumber


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I don't mind stealing bread from the mouths of decadents
I can't feed on the powerless when my cups already overfilled

But it's on the table; the fire's cooking
And they're farming babies; while slaves are all working
Blood is on the table; their mouths are all choking
I'm going hungry

I don't mind stealing bread from the mouth of decadents
I can't feed on the powerless when my cups already overfilled

But it's on the table; the fire's cooking
And they're farming babies; the slaves are all working
Blood is on the table; their mouths are all choking
I'm going hungry; I'm going hungry yeah...
I'm going hungry; I'm going hungry yeah...
I'm going hungry; I'm going hungry yeah...
I'm going hungry; I'm going hungry yeah...

I'm going hungry; I'm going hungry...
I'm going hungry; I'm going hungry yeah

I don't mind stealing bread; oh I don't mind
Oh...I don't mind stealing bread; oh I don't mind
I'm going hungry; I'm going hungry yeah...
I'm going hungry; I'm going hungry yeah...

Autor(es): Seventh Day Slumber