Kathy Troccoli


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I will choose Christ
I will choose love
I choose to serve
I give my heart
I give my life
I give all to You

Some days are hard
And I fight to see the truth
But I'm gonna take a stand
In all I say and do

I will choose Christ
I will choose love
I choose to serve
I give my heart
I give my life
I give all to You

Some fall away
And some refuse to see
A willing and humble heart
I pray You'll find in me

I will choose Christ
I will choose love
I choose to serve
I give my heart
I give my life
I give all to You

You are grace
You are peace
You are hope and healing
You are faith
You are joy
You are God revealing
My Lord and King

I will choose Christ
I will choose love
I choose to serve
I give my heart
I give my life
I give all to You

Autor(es): Kathy Troccoli