Jadon Lavik


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Take me as I am
I'm lost and I'm confused
Lord what should I do
Meet me where I am
Healer I need you
To do what you do

Cause' it's just like me
To be broken before I see
And it's just like you
To turn this old man into new

Comforter provider
Protector and friend
Here I am again
Asking for your mighty hand
To lead me once again lead me once again

Cause' it's just like me
To be broken before I see
And it's just like you
To turn this old man into new

I want to be just like
I want to be just like
I want to be just like you

I want to be just like
I want to be just like
I want to be just like you

Cause' it's just like me
To be broken before I see
And it's just like you
To turn this old man into new

I want to be just like
I want to be just like
I want to be just like you

And I want to walk
Walk by your side
Walk by your side
Walk by your side

Cause it's just like me
And it's just like you

Autor(es): Jadon Lavik