Human [IV Fridays]

We are watching apparitions of ourselves
Two inventions with no earthly tongues to tell
Still suspected, we lay the surface to repel off of

We are mirages, a trick of light, a sleight of hand
When what we want is to be touchable again

All five senses emerging from the fog
Let's be human while we still remember how

It is not a failure to be flawed
It's beautifully symptomatic
I am not afraid of being more
Than what I've been

I want to see how the light falls
I want to feel it on my skin
So how do I begin?

It is not a failure to be flawed
It's beautifully symptomatic
I am not afraid of being more
Than what I've been

It is not a failure to be flawed
It's beautifully symptomatic
I am not afraid of being more
Than what I've been

I want to see how the light falls
I want to feel it on my skin
So how do I begin?

We are breezes chasing after wind
Two unjoined pieces searching for a way to fit
Sleepers waking in the half light up till now
Let's be human while we still remember how