It's Still the Cross

It's not conservative or liberal,
However they're defined;
It's not about interpretation,
Or the judgment of the mind;

It's the opposite of politics,
Power or prestige;
It's about a simple message,
And whether we believe.

It's still the cross,
It's still the blood of Calvary;
That cleanses sins,
And sets the captives free.
It's still the name,
The name of Jesus,
That has power to save the lost;
It's still the cross.

We can water down theology,
And preach a word to suit our needs;
We can justify sweet subtle lies,
That are wrapped in noble deeds;

We can alter our convictions,
To adapt to social whims;
But we cannot change the gospel,
Or the truth contained within.


Though some may say it's man's religion,
Or ancient history;
The cross of Jesus still remains,
The price for sin that sets us free.
