Scribe of the Pentateuch (Deluxe Edition)
- 1 Extradiefor
- 2 Scribe of the Pentateuch
- 3 The Jaws of Life
- 4 In Garland Hall
- 5 Weapons of Mass Salvation
- 6 The White Death
- 7 Extradiefor (Live 2013)
- 8 Hammer of God
- 9 Scribe of the Pentateuch (Live 2013)
- 10 Blood Sacrifice (Live 2013)
- 11 The Destroyer Beholds (Live 2013)
- 12 Scrolls of the Megilloth (Live 2013)
- 13 God Rulz (Live 2013)
- 14 J.G.S.H. (Live 2013)
2013 Soundmass